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dc.contributor.advisorGibson, Kelda + Gallagher, Maryen
dc.contributor.authorGallagher, Annetteen
dc.identifier.otherMA in Motion Graphicsen
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation explores the way which motion graphics is used within the music industry in the medium of the music video. This provides an insight into how the development of digital technologies has changed the methods of promotion in the music industry. In particular discussing how the artist and fan relationship has changed due to the development of social media and the potential options this platform gives artists in connecting with fans. The importance of motion graphics is discussed in relation to music video production. Artists are now recognizing the wide variety of options it opens in the creativity of a music video. The options available for this projectʼs music video, is explored and a concept based video is developed through the application of an illustrative style and communication of a theme. The successfulness and effectiveness of this approach is proven from external feedback and critical analysis throughout the process. The impact of digital technologies is explored in depth as it has influenced great change within both the music industry and motion graphic industry. Technologies have made it a lot easier and quicker for motion graphics work to be completed and has made it easier for the music industry to access. The aim of this dissertation is to show how motion graphics has become a part of the music industry due to the development of digital technology and a concept based video is effective as it offers a more unique experience for fansen
dc.titleExploring digital technologies impact within the music industry, through the use of motion graphicsen
dc.typeMasters (taught)en
dc.publisher.institutionLetterkenny Institute of Technologyen
dc.rights.accessCreative Commonsen
dc.subject.keywordMotion picturesen
dc.subject.keywordMoving-picture musicen

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