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dc.contributor.advisorRoarty, Suzanneen
dc.contributor.authorBonar, Kateen
dc.identifier.otherMA in Accountingen
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the research for this dissertation is to effectively capture the views of both management and staff on knowledge assets and non-financial indicators and to ascertain whether certain theoretical models hold in a contemporary organisational environment. To achieve this objective the case study method was chosen as the most appropriate research methodology. The Research Question answered through this dissertation is: To what extent does Company X value non-financial performance indicators, and what part does Company X perceive knowledge assets play in the success of the company? In terms of knowledge, Company X was actively involved in setting up meetings and forums for their staff to mentor each other and discuss different aspects of their work. A culture of knowledge sharing is critical to the successful intentional integration of knowledge as a competitive advantage. As Company X has demonstrated, they are positively inclined towards the potential benefits from knowledge capture and knowledge management; therefore they are an ideal candidate for this dissertations primary research focus. The Balanced Scorecard was found to be a most useful implement to engage during strategic decision making and analysis with regard to the financial and non-financial performance indicators. For this purpose themes from the balanced scorecard were employed for the data analysis so as to provide a coherent and cogent interpretation.en
dc.titleAn investigation on a foreign direct investment company in the north west of Ireland, with regard to non-financial performance indicators and specifically knowledge as an asseten
dc.title.alternativeA case study into the practices and perceptions of the management and staff of company xen
dc.typeMasters (taught)en
dc.publisher.institutionLetterkenny Institute of Technologyen
dc.rights.accessCreative Commonsen
dc.subject.keywordForeign investmenten

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