dc.description.tableofcontents | Rethinking pupils' attitudes towards technolog (PATT) studies. Piet Ankiewicz.
Woman's under-representation in STEM: The part role-models have played in the past and do we still need them today? Stephanie Atkinson
Changing competenices, changing attitudes? How teachers become technology teachers. Birgit Fahram, Per Noström and Lena Gumaelius.
A global analysis of how high school technology activities are preparing students for the 21st century. P. Scott Bevins, Virginia R. Jones, Daniel L. Trent.
Technology teachers' different ways of thinking about sustainable development in technology education. Maria Svensson and Ann-Marie von Otter.
What technology content and values emerge in the teaching of climate change? Susanne Engström.
Technological thinking by children with special needs. Michal Levi, David Mioduser.
Mitcham's Fourth: a case for foregrounding violition when framing design and technology education. Stevi Keirl.
Using linkography to explorie novice designers' design choices during a STEM task. Nichoaas Blom, Grietjie Haupt. Alfrerd Bogaers.
Conceptualisation processes and making. Antti Pirhonen.
The Delft Research Programme on Design for Concept Learning. Marc J. de Vries.
Kindergarten Programming goes mobile. Ask Kuperman, Ruti Aladjem, Davis Mioduser.
Learning science and technology from play in early childhood education. Hanno van Keulen, Mariska Venema.
STEM in Northern Ireland Primary Schools: where is it at, and where should it go?. Dr. Kieran McGeown, Dr Michael Ievers.
STEm associated fluencty: the cross-training of elementary and middle grade math, science, and engineeering pre-service teachers. Elizabeth Deurmeyer, Michael De Miranda.
Innovating a professional technology teaching programme based on student teacher's expectatioins and experience of work-integrated learning. Werneer Engelbrecht.
Considerations for developing integrated-STEM courses at the Senior secondary school level in New Zealand. Bruce Granshaw, Emeritus Professor Cedric Hall.
From high to low voltage: a genre approach for teaching to write about designing. Gerald van Dijk, Sacha Tippel, Maaike Hajer.
Making it work: a case study of Canadian intermediate technology educators' pedagogical classroom practice. David D. Gill.
Supporting discourse using technology-mediated communication: the communication of inquiry in design and technology education. Adrian O'Connor, Niall Seery, Donal Canty.
Innovating an initial professional education of technology teachers (IPETT) progamme. Rina Grobler.
Developing technology student teachers' volition through curriculum-related excursions. Francois van As.
Making industrial internships effective for the professional development of aspiring science teachers. Mandy Stoop and Rutger van de Sande.
Constructs of quality and the power of Holism. Richard Kimbell.
Exploring the potential for identifying student competencies in design education through adaptive comparative judgement. Scott Bartholomew, Emily Yoskikawa, Pat Connolly.
Implications of the learning sciences for the unique internet and remit of technology education. Joseph Phelan, Niall Seery, Donal Canty.
Speculative writing: enabling design thinking. Belinda von Mengersen.
Developing creativity and imagination in native Hawaiian adolescents. Toni Marie Mapuana Kaui, Kamalani Doria, Kainalu Gomera, Samuel M. Kamakau IV, and Quinn Waiki.
Connecting authentic innovation activities to the design process. Joachim Svärd, Konrad Schönborn, Jonas Hallström.
Cultural and historical roots for design and technology education: why technology makes us human. Matt McLain, Dawne Bell, David Wooff, David Morrison-Love.
Girls' engagement in technology education: a systematic review of the literature. Ulrika N. Sultan, Cecilia Axell, Jonas Hallström.
Teacher students' critical thinking skills using the concept of disruptive technologies. Cecilia Axell and Lars Björklund.
Investigating T/E design based learning: student ability to select and utilize STEM content and practices. Susheela Shanta, John G. Wells.
On intelligence in technology education: towards redefining technological capability. Jeffrey Buckley, Niall Seery, Donal Canty, Lena Gumaelius.
Investigating the relationships between spatial ability, interest, and task experience on knowledge retention in engineering education. Tomás Hyland, Jeffrey Buckley, Niall Seery, Jason R. Power, Seamus Gordon.
Supporting learning design language in primary education . Miroslava Silva Ordz, Remke Klapwijk, Gerald van Dijk.
Attention and action during the design and technology lesson: by fine-tuning taks characteristics. Annemarie Looijenga, Remk Klapwijk, Marc de Vries.
Interdisciplinary teaching in Swedish primary schools: teachers' perspectives of subject-matter integration in technology and history. Catherine Couturier and Lars Geschwind, Eva Hartell.
A preliminary model of problem categorisation to explore the cognitive abilities required for problem solving in engineering education. Clodagh Reid and Rónán Dunbar, Jeffrey Buckley.
A preliminary model of problem categorisation to explore the cognitive abilities required for problem solving in engineering education. Clodagh Reid, Rónán Dunbar, Jeffrey Buckley.
Pupils' goal orientations in a pedagogical innovation process: a competition to design and manufacture quick hydrocopters. Eila Lindfors, Vilma Heinola, Suvi, Kolha.
Developing a learning environment for innovation learning in craft, design, and technology education. Juha Jaatinen and Eila Lindfors.
Teachers' views on training spatial skills and creative thinking by using model construction: a case study from South Korea and Sweden. Lena Gumaelius, Mariana Black, Tom Callen.
Spatial ability and approaches to solving word problems in mathematics. Gavin Duffy, Brian Bowe, Sheryl Sorby.
A national spatial skills research and development project. Brian Bowe, Rachel Harding, Theresa Hedderman, Sheryl Sorby.
Maker education in English context. David Barlex, Torben Steeg.
Better making or making better: exploring the attitudes of a school community to introducing a forge and blacksmithing into their school. Tony Lasler and Kim Olliff, Kay Stables, Dominic Callaghan and Ralph Harris.
Learning to weld in technical vocational education: the first cycle of an action-oriented study. Nina Kilbrink, Stig-Börje Asplund.
Reconceptualising PCK research in D&T education: proposing a methodological framework. Andrew Doyle, Niall Seery, Lena Gumaelius, Donal Canty, Eva Hartell.
Investigaating the potential for RGT and ACJ towards deeper insights of teacher assessment practices. Eva Hartell, Helena Isaksson Persson, Scott Bartholomew, Greg Strimel.
Addressing the issue of bias in the measurement of reliability in the method of adaptive comparative judgement. Camila Rangel-Smith, Declan Lynch.
Pre-service teachers' subject knowledge in secondary design and technology: findings from an empirical study. Mike Martin.
Establishing progressions of learning in engineering for High School Students. Greg J. Strimel, Michael E. Grubbs, Tanner J, Huffman, Scott Bartholomew.
Professional development program for teaching engineering-focused curricula in technology education. Juang-Chao Yu, Szu-Chun Fan, Kuen-Yi Lin
Applying project based learning to teaching robotics in junior-high schools. Yair Zadok.
Towards an understanding of dysgraphia as a barrier to STEM-related careers. Daniel P. Kelly, Deidre L. Kelly.
Using a problem solving toolkit - in an international distance learning course. Osnat Dagan.
Design values, preferences, similarities, and differences across three global regions. Scott R. Bartholomew, Emily Yoshikawa, Eva Hartell, Greg J. Strimel.
Implementing digital technology in the New Zealand curriculum. Wendy Fox-Turnbull.
A model for food literacy education. Wendy Slatter, Bev France.
Food education in the school curriculum: a discussion of the issues, influences and pressures on the teaching of food. Marion Rutland.
Project-based learning in technology education: implications of the digital ear. Moshe Barak.
Multiple design representations to foster idea development. Keelin Leahy.
Teaching young people to respond to a contextual challenge through designing and making - a discussion of possible approaches. David Barlex, Torben Steeg.
Drawings to depict or drawings to explain: a whole-school analysis of children's drawings of bridges. Louise Milne.
Effects of convergent and divergent feedback on creative thinking during children's design processes. Alice Schut and Remke Klapwijk, Mathiew Gielen.
Perceptions and reality: analyzing student experiences in ranking self and peer work through adaptive comparative judgement. Scott R. Bartholomew, Emily Yoshikawa, Greg Strimel.
Teaching sustainability in technology education: perception versus practice. Beineán Conway, Keelin Leahy and Muireann McMahon.
Using engineering design challenges to promote imagination and innovation in integrative STEM education. Edward M. Reeve.
Scientific and technological processes in K-12 classrooms in Quebec Schools: common features and differences. Brahim El Fadil, Abdelkrim Hasni, Joêl Lebeaume | |