Care-Centred Pedagogy Through Active Learning And Innovative Assessment
The discourse of ‘care centred pedagogy’ has gained
significant momentum in recent decades. Authors such as
Lynch (2010 & 2015) and Noddings (2013) have highlighted
the dangers of ‘care-less’ education environments
associated with increasingly marketized, neo-liberal agendas
(preoccupied primarily with measurable outputs, numbers
and performativity metrics). There has therefore been a
counter movement that increasingly values care centred
pedagogies and climates of care. Care centred pedagogies
and their positive impact on student motivation, and inclusion
have subsequently been well documented by authors such
as: Motta and Bennett (2018), Palahicky (2019) and Bali
TUS-MMW is therefore committed to a care-centred
pedagogy, which places ‘human relationality’ at the core of
our teaching and learning. 'Pedagogies of care, including
transition pedagogies' is a key pillar in our new TUS-MMW
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy (2022). It is
a commitment to a socially just, inclusive, and enriching
learning experience for all our students. It is about an
authentic educator presence, where our pedagogical practice
reflects the importance of the social and the relational. A
care-centred philosophy enables and nurtures “climates
of care” (Noddings, 1984) where our learners, teachers and
support staff feel valued, respected and connected as part
of a learning community of equality, trust and fairness (O’
Connell and Ryan 2022). We are committed to creating a
‘community of practice’ as colleagues who attend regularly
to the underlying purpose of our programmes and critically
discuss pedagogical issues, in a supportive collegial environment.
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