An exploration into the effectiveness of service collaboration between two Irish charities providing homeless support services.
The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of service collaboration between two Irish charities providing homeless support services. The objectives of this study were to explore the views of the members within the joint working group, on the effectiveness of the collaboration and their decision-making process, to examine the views of both workforces on the overall impact of the collaboration, to examine the views of the joint CEO of both organisations, on the factors that will determine the collaboration`s effectiveness, to identify the cost-sharing benefits of collaboration between the two charities, to investigate the extent to which the collaboration can facilitate a shared service and to examine the extent to which the collaboration can enhance the overall service provided to service users. A triangulation method of research was applied, incorporating both questionnaires and interviews as a means of gathering data. Questionnaires were distributed to all staff members of both organisations, while interviews were conducted with four members of the joint working group and the joint CEO also. The reason for examining the area of charity collaboration was due to the researcher’s personal and professional interest in the progress of the collaboration between Company X and Company Y. The findings from this research study show that the collaboration has been very effective to date, but if the partnership is to continue to grow and develop into the future, then a number of strategic actions need to be taken.
- MBS Theses [15]
- Theses - Business & Management [15]
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