Editorial: current perspectives on the value, teaching,learning, and assessment of design in STEM education
Despite the value that design methodologies have as a vehicle for learning science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related subject matter, their integration
into STEM curricula remains a burgeoning phenomenon. The role of designing and the
field’s epistemological, ontological, axiological, and methodological foundations are still in
the process of being shaped and refined by scholars in STEM-related fields. For instance, the
knowledge base of designerly thinking and doing, though growing, is yet to be articulated
in terms of “what” constitutes design knowledge, “how” it is constituted, “when” and
“how” it is and can be acquired, and “why” it matters (Buckley et al., 2021). Furthermore,
methodological frameworks for guiding, measuring, and evaluating designerly thinking,
doing, and learning are in their developmental stages, indicating a need for empirical
studies (Blom and Bogaers, 2020; Hartell and Buckley, 2021). The ontological perspectives
of design—its nature, its purpose, and its role in learning and societal progress—are also
subjects of ongoing discourse (Norström and Hallström, 2023). It is these challenges and
opportunities that brought us to contribute to the maturation of these foundations, thereby
cultivating a more robust understanding of design’s role in STEM education
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